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How to create an eBook for free

We are now in the era of the digital world where things happens with the click of a button. Gone are the days when had to write letters and then post them through mail. Nowadays we can chat for free, send messages for free, video chat for on Skype and engage on social networking sites for free. Similarly, people are no longer interested in buying hard copies of books as it’s difficult to carry around specially the bulky ones. People want something that is digitised where they can turn on and off with the click of a button. Kindle eBooks and eBooks online, reading through iBooks, iPads, IPhone has become more of common thing. It’s easier as people do not have to carry it around and can read on their computer screen while still at work. Perhaps it is early to say that paper books will vanish but it is sufficient to say that reading trends are changing.

If you are one of those who wants to write a book but do not want to look for a publisher or spend thousands to get it self-published, then eBooks is the best way to go. Nowadays it’s very easy to create an eBook and easy to either give it away or and even sell and make money from it.
So how do you create an eBook for free? First things first, you need to write an eBook. The hardest part is perhaps writing it. After it has been written, it can then be published in a variety of formats. It’s about getting the word out there that you have compiled something for people to read. So after having written an eBook, you will need to convert your eBook so that people can download them and read either by printing them from their computers or downloading them on electronic reading devices. People might want to read on Amazon Kindles, or a as PDF file on their computer, or as ePub file (short for electronic publication) or through apps on smart phones. Alternative option is to create a free website and then publish them as an HTML, meaning that you can easily publish them on a website or create your own website so that people do not need to download but can easily read by visiting the website.

So the options are as follows for your eBook:
Convert your eBook into a PDF file and then upload them on file sharing sites. The word format can be converted using several free PDF converters. There are some sites that will ask you to upload your file and then convert them to the required format and then send them the file to your email account. You will need to check every single detail on the converted format. The images, punctuation marks are prone to changes when being converted from world to PDF.

There are many open source tools to assist you to create your eBook and eBook editors. Some of them include; Sigil which is an wysiwyg eBook editor that allows one to create ePub files. Alternatively you can write them in word and then convert it into ePub and other formats using Calibre.
Then you will need to upload them on document sharing sites. There are many of them. Google also provides one called Google Docs. Other ones include Scribd, DocStoc, Slide Share, Slide Six, 4shared, We Papers, AuthorStream, eDocr, issuu, Calemeo, Yudu, DocShare, eSnips, SlideBoom, Empessr, MyPlick and many more. Most if not all of them are free to use. Once you have created an account with them, you can upload your converted PDF files and then share them with others. Many of them have inbuilt electronic readers while many of them allow you to charge money for them.

Another great option is to create and publish them online. Once your eBook as been written, it can easily be published online by converting them into web pages. There are many free website platforms. One such platform is Google’s Blogger. You can sign in using Google account and create a blog. Here you can publish them for free, chapter by chapter. You can allow people to read or make it private. It’s a great way to publish and show case your writing talents on the web. You can also put some advertisements such as GoogleAdsense or join affiliate to make money from your eBook online.  

If you are hoping to sell your eBook then there are many places you can easily sell. Lulu is a book place where you can join for free and create an eBook selling system. You will also need a good cover to make the book attractive. Although the saying that “you cannot judge the book by its covers”, but you can at least attract buyers to the book and convince them in buying it. Some of the online publicators have their own eBook cover making system but it’s not convincingly good. If you are serious, you can make it a cover on Photoshop or you can make one on numerous free eBook cover makers.

There are so many places where your precious eBooks can be sold over and over again without the hassle of printing. The next question to ask is “where to sell your eBooks”? Some of the best places include other than the one mentioned earlier are your free website with integrated paypal button, PayLoadz, eBay, eBookBay, Amzon, iTunes Store and many more.

So there you have it. Write an eBook or get someone else to write it for you, and then get the word out to the world that you have written a document. The best thing is to create a buzz about it on social networking sites such as FaceBook, Twitter, Digg, writer’s forums and many other places.   

If you want to learn how to create an eBook and make money from then this eBook by Tiffany Dow called “Building an eBook Empire” tells you how to create and make money online. She is an affiliate marketer and lots of things can be learnt from her. The book has been classed as the top online making money guides. I bought the book and benefited tremendously, not only I was able to understand how to create an eBook but also how to set up websites and how to market them, from creating eBook covers, what programmes to join and ultimately make money from it.  

What is network marketing?

What Makes a Good Network Marketing Home Business?
Working at home is a dream that many people have. Some never act on that dream because they just don’t feel confident enough to make their dreams come to fruition. Others give hands and feet to their dreams and make it a reality. They enrich their lives, have more time to spend with their loved ones and build a cushion to help sustain their financial portfolio for their golden years. 

The highlight of network marketing is that you can be any age, young or old, you can come from any financial background and you can live anywhere to get started and succeed at it. The term networking means that you’re connecting with people - and through those connections you’re establishing relationships that will benefit both you and them. 

Freelance writing - Ghostwriting

If your situation is one where money is a pressing matter (it’s not always that way for some who just have an interest in working from home), then services are the fastest route to making money.

The premise of offering services is this:

You are not yet experienced and successful online. But there are MANY who are. And they range on levels of success – some make multi millions. Others make enough to survive on and are trying to grow their business but simply can’t without a bit of extra help to free up some of their time.

So you step in to alleviate their time management woes. You’re going to either be doing things they don’t have time for – OR, taking over tasks they don’t know HOW to do (like some people can’t write).

How to create an eBook

Having your own info product is intimidating. You may question your expertise or think no one would buy an eBook from you – but you’re probably wrong on all counts.

Print publications are slowly going the way of the dinosaurs – toward extinction. More people get their news and information online, or via their mobile electronic devices, such as iPads, smart phones, and ereaders.

This is bad news for media companies based in print, but it’s wonderful news for people who can now self publish their creations without having to go through the grueling process of traditional publishing houses.

An info product can be created and sold on your own site, or you can put it on Amazon for print order (they’ll print it on demand each time it’s ordered). It can also be housed and available for Kindle readers.

So we’re going to go over the main steps you’ll need to know. You can dig down deeper into it if you decide this is a business model you want to pursue. But try not to neglect info product publishing forever – because it really enhances your authority. 

How to make money with Google Adsense

When you’re doing things like blogging about your products (or someone else’s), there’s going to be room in the sidebar area for you to put things. Some people put an opt in box there, links to their social networking profiles, or hyperlinked images to the products they sell.

But don’t forget about using the space for ad revenue, too. Blogs in particular can be high traffic entities, so publishers and product owners love the idea of placing their ads on your blog.

Most people know these are not personal endorsements by you. If anyone asks, just be honest and let them know that’s a paid ad spot. There are two methods you can use to fill the ad space in your blog – or static website – AdSense and Direct Sales. 

Selling Ad Space on Your Sites

Selling ad space on your website will usually be an option once you get your traffic flowing in on a regular basis. Ad buyers will want to see stats of your site – and you can usually prove this by using a free tool called Google Analytics.

You can sell ad space in your sidebar, for example. You’ll do the very same thing in order to place the ad that you did with AdSense, only you’ll have the customer give you the code.

They may want a text hyperlink or an image ad.

Don’t let them have control over exactly what’s in the ad – set a few parameters. For example, you may restrict racy images for a dating site ad if you have an innocent parental site.

And don’t let them include text on the ad that makes it look as if it’s a personal recommendation coming from you.

What do you charge?

For this question, it’s going to depends on many factors – not just traffic. You’re going to want to see how competitive pricing is for ads in your niche. You might even contact some competitors of yours and ask them what they would charge for ad space.

Because traffic is what ties all business models in the Internet marketing world together, it’s important that you learn as much as possible about pulling in the right kind of visitors, so let’s move on to that topic now.

Brand your online business

We see it all the time with celebrities – branding that looks like a cute nickname, when it’s really a whole lot more than that.

The Barefoot Contessa from the Food Network is a good example of branding. You instantly get the image of a beautiful Italian woman leisurely cooking a delicious homemade meal in the comfort of her own home.

30-Minute Meals is a brand that isn’t instantly connected to a person’s name, but immediately, you grasp the concept – simple and easy. This would appeal to very busy people.

Paula Deen used to be “The Lady and Sons” when she was starting out and had her sons as part of her main business. She became so popular that her name overshadowed her starting business brand. 

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