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India to USA converter plug

If you are travelling to India then you would need a India to USA converter plug otherwise you won't be able to charge your mobile phones, cameras etc. You can buy these "India to USA converter plugs" in India or you can buy them while in India. I suggest you get them before coming.

Here are some of the popular India to USA converter plugs in the market:

2 Packs of High Performance Universal UK/EU/ AU to US Adapter Travel Power Adapter Convert By iRulu

India to USA IOU-2F Plug Adapter Non Grounded - (ACUCRAFT® USA Plug Lifetime Warranty)

Ceptics Grounded Universal Plug Adapter for US (Type B) - 3 Pack

Tmvel Universal UK/EU/ AU to US Adapter Travel Power Adapter - Black

eForCity Universal World Wide Travel Charger Adapter Plug, White

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