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Fiverr Gig Ideas

Fiverr is a great place to buy and sell things. It’s like a mini-market place where you can buy/sell virtually anything although most of the things sold and bought are digital. I have been selling my services on Fiverr and this month became a second tier seller. I can’t say I make a huge amount of money but the time it takes for me to complete a gig is next to nothing. Its passive income. Here is a screen shot of the collections I made in a few days. 

A big drawback with Fiverr is that it takes 20% of your earnings. So if you sell a gig for $5, you will get back $4. But then it provides you with a massive market place.

I have used Fiverr quite a lot and suits my purpose well. Most of the things that I buy and sell are SEO related and other promotional stuff including articles. There are some who really despise Fiverr. For instance, there are those who wish Fiverr was not around so that they can sell their services for more on places such or Scriptlance. Fiverr has changed all that, you can head over to Fiverr and buy articles for just a few dollars. It definitely has raised competition which is good for buyers. Although you have to watch out for quality, but if you look hard enough, you can great stuff on it.

So how do you make money on Fiverr? There are number of things you can do. Sit down and think hard about your qualities, your abilities, things you can do, things you are already doing and see if you can make money out of it. Do a little brain storming.

There are some who simply dress up in a banana costume and sing happy birthday. Can you do that, with a twist? I can’t, perhaps you can. Why not give that a shot? I remember seeing a Welshman singing “happy birthday” in a thong; it actually went down very well.

So if you are considering selling something on Fiverr, here are some Fiverr gig ideas;

Article into Video Gigs
Article Spinning/Rewriting Gigs
Article Submission Gigs
Article Writing Gigs
Backlink Building Gigs
Banner Design Gigs
Domain Research Gigs
Ecover Design Gigs
Facebook Fan Pages Gigs
Facebook Marketing Gigs
Keyword Research Gigs
Logo Design Gigs
Minisite Design Gigs
Minisite Templates Gigs
Press Release Submission Gigs
Press Release Writing Gigs
RSS Submission Gigs
Social Bookmarking Gigs
Video Promotion Gigs
Video Testimonial Gigs
Voice Over Gigs
Website Submission Gigs
Singh Happy Birthday Gigs

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