Mahatma Gandhi was the most important leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India. He led India to freedom peacefully using a method called “Ahimsa” or non-violence. His methods inspired movements for civil rights and freedom movements across the world. Here’s a time line of events in the life of the great leader.
1869 - October 2nd, Mohandas Karmachand Gandhi was born in Porbandar in the state of Gujarat, India.
1876 - Mahatma Gandhi and his family moved to Rajkot in Gujarat.
1883 - Mahatma Gandhi gets married at a young age of 13 to Kastur Kapadia later known as Kasturba Gandhi.
1888 - Mahatma Gandhi goes to England to study law.
1891 - Mahatma Gandhi returns to India from England and begins practicing law.
1893 - Mahatma Gandhi accepts a job in South Africa.
1903 - Mahatma Gandhi opens a law office in Johannesberg, South Africa.
1906 - Mahatma Gandhi organizes his first ever protest against racist anti-Indian laws in South Africa .
1908 - Mahatma Gandhi is imprisoned for his protests in South Africa.
1915 - Mahatma Gandhi returns to India.
1922 – The British authorities arrested and tried Gandhi for seditious acts. After a huge trial, Mahatma Gandhi was sentenced for 6 years.
1930 - Mahatma Gandhi organises a Salt-March, a 200 mile march from his ashram in Ahmedabad to the coastal town of Dandi in Gujarat to break India's Salt Laws forbidding an Indian to make salt. He makes salt and was arrested.
1932 - Mahatma Gandhi fasts to prevent the creation of so called “untouchables” of India as a separate electorate by the British.
1933 – He decides to help the untouchables.
1934 - He launches an organisation called the “All Indian Village Industries Association”.
1942 - Mahatma Gandhi begins the nationwide "Quit India Movement” for complete Independence of India. Was arrested and imprisoned.
1944 - Mahatma Gandhi's wife Kasturba Gandhi dies at the age of 74.
1947 - India becomes an independent country.
1948 - On 30 January, Mahatma Gandhi was killed at a prayer meeting in Delhi.
Mahatma Gandhi For Kids And Beginners